October 9, 2008

A New Adventure

Okay - it's time for the next installment. This entry will attempt to accomplish what I intended to do with this blog from it's inception - sharing with you, dear reader, the before, during and after of a multitude of theatrical experiences.

This entry stars me, of course, and my dear friend Perfect Friend. She doesn't know that that is her name...I hope she isn't too uncomfortable learning it via the interweb. This is what I call her when I'm talking about her with my co-worker...because it's pretty much true. Perfect Friend is beautiful and thin and smart and funny and kind and silly and talented. She sang at her own wedding and she loves spending time with her own family AND with her in-laws. Within 24 hours of joining facebook, she had about 300 friends. She is a genuinely happy person who is married to her genuinely happy male counterpart, and it is often a mystery why this genuinely happy person enjoys the friendship of the little black raincloud that is me...but she does. Because she is Perfect Friend. And I'm not complaining.

So, Perfect Friend has a dream of being an actress...particularly in a musical (or musicals) of some sort...which I think is a brilliant idea because she would be really fantastic. I also share this dream, although the musical piece of it for me will undoubtedly be limited to the occasional glorious chorus role. Together, we two are embarking on an audition frenzy. Well, we have two auditions planned for non-musicals this month and she will be auditioning for at least two musicals over the next few months (if I have to drive her to them myself).

Our first audition is really a no-chancer because it is a fairly popular play among play going sorts (though I had never heard of it, but then, I'm pretty much a poser), and there is only one female role for a female in her 20s-30s. It would be a pretty sweet role, but I imagine there will be a zillion (literally) 20-30 year olds vying for it, so we have agreed to look at this as a practice audition...although either of us would be ecstatic to be cast, and (almost) equally ecstatic if the other were cast, so it's really all for fun. That is what I keep telling myself...I think I'm almost convinced. I'm really trying to figure out how to look at the audition process as, if nothing else, and opportunity to perform as the star of the show to a private audience for all of 2 minutes.

We got together last weekend to read through the play in it's entirety. We just started reading the script and traded off with every line - truly, it was a theater nerd's delight. The play takes place in the south, but the first two characters are a couple of gents from jolly old England, so we spent two hours interchanging our hack British accents with our hack Southern accents. It was hilarious. If you like that sort of thing...which I do.


deb said...

What plays are you auditioning for? You told me about one (can't remember the name of it now..dang old age), but what's the other one?

Sounds like great FUN! I'm nerdy enough to love read throughs too. Or at least I was back in my days as an oh-so-famous church drama person.

allie said...

i'm sure your perfect friend is delighted with this post, and is as delighted to have you as a friend. i can't wait to read about how it goes!

Jessica said...

deb-the plays i'm auditioning for are "The Foreigner" and a children's play called "The Hanging of the Greens". The Foreigner would be so great, but that's the "no-chancer" - there are only two female parts...one for someone in their 20s-30s and one for someone well over 50. I am still looking forward to the audition!

deb said...

Hey - that picture personality test is fun! (and those kinds of test usually frustrate me to no end).

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